Be the Envy of Your Neighborhood With These Landscape Services Ideas in Middleton and Waunakee, WI

Be the Envy of Your Neighborhood With These Landscape Services Ideas in Middleton and Waunakee, WI

If it’s time to refresh the appearance of your Middleton and Waunakee, WI, property, these landscape services can change the way you use your outdoor space and increase the beauty of your surroundings. The updates might be so effective that your neighbors will feel a bit envious.

For homeowners who have spent more time at home than in years past, because of the recent health crisis, an appreciation of the surroundings is paramount—and finding new ways to enjoy your outdoor space can be a priority. If your backyard is not the enticing space you want, this can be the perfect start to a transformation that dazzles.

Start with a Patio

The right patio design and surface can set the tone for all your outdoor activities. Having a patio that is large enough to accommodate outdoor dining and warmth from a fire can be the beginning of impromptu drinks with neighbors or calming the noise of the day before bed.

A natural stone or patio paver surface for your outdoor space can provide a durable, gorgeous area that stands up to foot traffic, spills, and harsh weather. Your landscapers can work with you to choose the best size for your unique outdoor space.

Depending on the materials you choose, your patio can appear to be completely customized: You can mix and match colors, sizes, shapes, a particular pattern, contrasting border, and make other design choices so that it is one-of-a-kind.

Add Some Fire

When you bring fire to the landscape, you just might wonder how you ever lived without it. There is something about fire that beckons people outside to sit by the warmth and soft glow. When your landscapers include space for a fire pit, you can have that amazing fire whenever you wish.

A fire pit can be constructed to look as if it were made of the same material as the patio or it could be constructed of wall stone that is a completely different color and texture so that it stands out. Wide, flat coping could provide space for drinks and snacks, or be the perfect spot to prop your feet.

Another option is an outdoor fireplace, which can become the true focal point of your outdoor space. With a unique chimney, a large firebox, and a deep hearth, the fire flickering can bring more dimension to your patio. Guests will naturally gravitate to the fire feature as the area around it becomes a place to wind down and chat.

Add Shade for Summer

Anticipate the effect of summertime heat by including a lovely pergola in your landscape refresh. With hefty wood posts and pretty carved beams on top, a pergola can be incorporated into the patio design at the same time.

This is where you can have mottled shade in the summertime when the sun beats down. A pergola can also create an ideal spot for a hanging bed for afternoon napping.

Introduce Privacy

A stylish privacy fence or a retaining wall around your patio could add a sense of intimacy when meeting with friends—and give your neighbors a reason to wonder what you are up to when you’re outside enjoying your landscape.